
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Tristan!!

Well, well we survived the first year of your life, like I knew we would, but I just can not believe how fast it went by!! I also can't believe all the changes you have made and what a wonderful little man you have grown up to! On your 1 yr birthday you are wearing 18 months clothes, size 4 diapers, size 4 shoes, although these are a little tight on your fat foot! You weigh 22.2 lbs and are 30 1/2 inches long! You have a whopping 12 teeth, the first 4 on top and bottom and all of your molars, which have given you a fit! You are standing by yourself and cruising some. You love pushing your little car and shopping cart. Although you have found you get places much faster by crawling while you push them so this is what you do a lot of the time! You are in this stage now where you want to be held, spoiled probably, but I'm going to say it's because you don't feel good because of your teeth! You say dadda, no no, you know what the lights are you point to them, and know what flowers are. You pass ball back and forth and you love to dance!! Any time music comes on you stand up and start moving that booty. You are starting to become Mr. Picky eater you love grits, any kind of bread, anything dealing with cheese, yogurt, Watermelon, chicken. You still like to have a bottle at night and in the morning, but that's about it. You are such a blessing to us and I love love love every minute I spend with you and you have learned how to give kisses and this just melts away EVERYBODIES hearts! You are such a sweet heart and I look forward to going home everyday and see your big smile and get a big wet kiss from you! I am saddened that you are growing up so fast and you aren't a precious little baby any more, however I love what you have become and look forward to many many more things that you bring! Of course I am late posting as always because your birthday was yesterday, but Happy Birthday my lil man!!! Mommy and Daddy loves you more than you will ever know! Can't wait for your party on Saturday!
A look back at the past WONDERFUL year!!

1 comment:

  1. How sweet Anna:) Cute little thing just grew up on ya didn't he? Bless! Hope his birthday party goes great tomorrow!! I know you are excited!!
